Square Meters Project

Our services

Polymer concrete engineering company produces all concrete additives and building chemical engineering materials using the latest technology in the world. In order to provide comfort to employers and provide relevant guarantees in some products, the company is ready to offer executive services of its products.


We look at sales beyond a bargain. Polymer Concrete Website As the founder of a new type of online sales service and standard manufacturer, it conveys our message correctly to the community. Our ultimate goal is to change old and inefficient patterns and awareness. Iran's proud community. Our professional mission dictates that we maximize the benefits of online shopping and pave the way for the activities of other partner groups; Of course, we smooth the world with principled, ethical and up-to-date methods. We have tried truth and intelligence together many times and we have achieved our desire to create and develop a brand in the market and gain the support and heart of the audience. We stand to create a strong future, transformation Human life and improving its quality level, to spread the passion and love to create a platform in which these things can be realized. We are with you and we sincerely shake your hands and we are by your side. From the product selection stage, we are committed to deliver your orders with quality assurance and in the fastest time.



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First, check the email address mentioned in the received SMS. If the address is not correct, please contact the administrator to request a design edit and modification of your email. If the e-mail address is correct, please note that the e-mail confirmation request has been sent and if it is not received, the problem is somewhere else. First check your Spam directory. If not, the email has been blocked for another reason (for example, by your university email server). In this case, for your latest solution, send an email to the address sent in the SMS to confirm your cooperation manually.

According to the rules, the applicant cannot have a simultaneous plan. This means that you can not send a new plan until your previous plan is completed. Of course, the rules are a bit complicated, but in any case, if the system gives this error, you are definitely not allowed to send a new plan unless your previous plan is completely settled. Even if the project supervision is 100% advanced until the settlement is done, the new design system will not accept it.

Most likely you have already registered and re-registered is wrong! You must log in with the same email as the system mentioned before, and if you do not have the password, retrieve it first.

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Customers who have worked with us

Beton Polymer Borna Company provide its activities with the best quality to its customers with the proper advice of experienced managers, applying its strategic plans and due to the numerous successful projects across the country. Their activities are as follow:

Consulting in the field of design, production and implementation of all kinds of cement-based industrial flooring (hard concrete, self-leveling cement materials and epoxy)

Consulting in the field of design, production and implementation of all types of Resin-based flooring (Epoxy, polyurethane, polyurethane)

Consulting in the field of design, production and implementation of all types of waster sealing systems (Concrete, metal)

Consulting in the field of design, production and implementation of all types of fireproofing coatings (fire-proofing paint, fire-proofing mineral coating)

Consulting in the field of design, production and implementation of all types of anti-corrosive cold, or anti- moisture insulators.

Consulting in the field of design, production and implementation of all types of metal & concrete reservoir linings (FRP and GRP)

Consulting in the field of design, production and implementation of all types of anti-acid flooring (epoxy, ceramic)